Thursday, May 28, 2009

Couldn't Wait

9" x 12"
Oil on Canvas

On any given day in Winter Park, Florida, you will find at least a half dozen people sitting on the park benches. The majority of these are men- waiting on women. This gentleman seemed to have done this more than once or twice. He obviously knew he was in for a long day of waiting. His first stop was the local bookstore to pick up a little something to help past the time. Judging by the thickness of the book, he didn't expect to move anytime soon.

To inquire about this original, click HERE.

To see other works, please visit my WEBSITE.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Upcoming Event- 18th Annual LakeRidge Winery Harvest Festival

LakeRidge Winery
18th Annual Summer Harvest Festival

Arts & Crafts, Live Music, Food, Wine, and Grape Stomping
*$2.00 Donation per Person to Benefit Hospice Foundation

June 12 - 14, 2009

Friday, June 12th- 10 AM - 5 PM
Saturday, June 13th- 10 AM - 5 PM
Sunday, June 14th- 11 AM - 5 PM

Make your plans now to attend the LakeRidge Winery 18th Annual Summer Harvest Festival. The event will feature approximately 75 booths offering various arts and crafts from around the area. There will be live music, food and wine, as well as grape stomping!

I will have a booth at the event this year to display my current works. Please stop by to say hello if you are able to make it out!

Map and Directions to LAKERIDGE WINERY.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


8" x 10"
Oil on Canvas

You only have to be in Winter Park, Florida, for a few minutes before you start to notice the multitude of fashion statements. For some its about the latest trend. For some, its about the classics. But for others still, its all about the accessories.

To inquire about this original, click HERE.

To see other works, please visit my WEBSITE.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Dueling Palms

9" x 12"
Oil on Canvas
*This painting done with palette knives

If you've ever been to the beach on the Atlantic coast, you know that the drive typically includes a short trip across the intercoastal waterway. Depending on what part of the country you are in, this area can range from small salt marshes to wide river-like expanses, sometimes even with their own beaches. These two plams lived just off the intercoastal. It was a breezy day and they seemed to be waging war on each other. Their palm fronds danced in the wind like warriors preparing for a battle. Their arched frames gave only slightly before snapping back into formation. It was a battle that had been going on for years, with no end in sight...

To inquire about this original, click HERE.

To see other works, please visit my WEBSITE.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Beach Babe V

8" x 10"
Oil on Canvas

As the afternoon draws to an end, there is always that calling for one more trip down to the water. Maybe with another look, she can see whats on the other side...

To inquire about this original, click HERE.

To see other works, please visit my WEBSITE.

Monday, May 11, 2009

"Beach Babe II"

8" x 10"
Oil on Canvas Panel

It was obvious this wasn’t her first trip to the beach. She had seen the ocean before. But for a brief moment between chasing seagulls and digging in the sand, she paused as if to admire God’s creation. All of her senses worked in perfect union to tell her that this place was special- the smell of the salt air, the sound of waves crashing against the shore, the feel of sand between her toes. She already had a love for the beach that would not soon be lost. It was perfectly alright that she didn’t have the vocabulary to talk about it... words couldn’t describe this anyway.

To inquire about this original, click HERE.

To order a print of this painting, please visit my WEBSITE.


8" x 10"
Oil on Canvas Panel

Sometimes the paintings almost paint themselves. This was obviously not the first time these guys had waxed their boards. It seemed as though this may have been a daily thing for these two. Get up, check the tide reports, and head to the shore. The discussion could have been over foot position on the board, why the third wave in a set is usually the best, why this brand of board is better than that brand... but most likely it was about that cute girl they met a few minutes earlier. She was hot!


9" x 12"
Oil on Canvas

The gossip must have been good in that particular issue, because it seemed like she was reading for hours. Cocoa Beach was busy that day, but I decided to give her a peaceful setting to enjoy the weekly gossip of who was dating whom and which dress would be all the rage this summer. She seemed to be completely oblivious of her surroundings- totally soaking up the sun, the sand, and the “dirt”.

"Fresh Oranges"

- SOLD -
8" x 10"
Oil on Canvas Panel

A drive through an orange grove is a life changing experience. The subtle aroma of the orange blossoms as the sun breaks for the first light of day is something to be experienced! This painting is from a quick trip just out of town to a landscape dominated by orange trees. The solitude and beauty of the expanse is like nothing else. That environment inspired this painting. If you close your eyes and focus, you may be able to taste it...